Woman Who Slipped and Fell On Grape In Supermarket Unsuccessful In Lawsuit.

Property owners have a duty of care to maintain their property in a reasonable and safe manner. When you slip and fall, due to a property owner negligently maintaining their property, you may be entitled to recover money damages for your pain and suffering, medical expenses and other damages. This negligence can come in many forms, from failure to remove obstructing objects to failure to maintain adequate safety, such as ensuring that floors are not covered in a slippery substance. If you suffer an injury from falling, contact one of our slip and fall personal injury attorneys here at the Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates to help guide you through the complicated litigation process so you can begin to recover.

A woman who stepped on a grape in a Coles Supermarket fresh produce section has been unsuccessful in her attempt to sue the supermarket giant. Fatma Abdul Razzak’s lawsuit failed on Thursday when the District Court ruled that Coles had exercised reasonable care in cleaning its floors and had not breached its duty of care owed to customers including the plaintiff. Judge David Russell found in favor of Coles and ordered Ms. Razzak to pay for the supermarket’s legal bill after her action failed.

Ms. Razzak was shopping in the fruit and vegetable aisle at Coles on a Saturday morning in April 2015 when she passed a worker unpacking grapes onto a table.  Suddenly her feet lost their grip, her right foot went backwards, and she plunged forward onto her knees and elbows. Ms. Razzak sued Coles for compensation in District Court, alleging injuries to her neck and lower back, claiming negligence and seeking damages of at least $35,000. The Court ruled in that case that reasonable care would require the supermarket to check the floors at intervals not longer than 20 minutes and that the store had done so.

If you or a loved one have been injured after slipping and falling, you may be entitled to substantial compensation for your physical injuries, as well as any emotional trauma and financial hardship caused by the accident.  Please contact one of our expert slip and fall personal injury attorneys right away at 617-787-3700 or email us at info@gilhoylaw.com. An attorney will be here 24/7 for you to learn more about your legal options in a free and confidential consultation. Your needs are our top priority!

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